MessageBox Shellcode

With the foundational knowledge in place, we can now proceed to construct shellcode that accomplishes the task of displaying a basic message box.

Writing shellcode to display a message box might seem a bit pointless but it includes all the elements needed to write more complex shellcode, such as a reverse shell.

To display a message box we are required to do the following:

  • Find the base address of kernel32.dll.

  • Resolve the GetProcAddress VMA.

  • Call GetProcAddress to get the VMA of LoadLibraryA.

  • Load the user32.dll module using a LoadLibraryA call.

  • Call GetProcAddress to get the VMA of MessageBoxA.

  • Call MessageBoxA to display our message.

  • Call GetProcAddress to get the VMA of TerminateProcess.

  • Call TerminateProcess to terminate our process.

We have discussed all of these in previous sections, the shellcode is presented in the following small chunks.

Whilst working through these sections you should test it with Windbg preview, using the workflow presented or your own. As you build the shellcode up, insert breakpoints and examine registers and memory to ensure what you expect to be there is there.


The first chunk has been discussed in depth and will not be discussed further. It locates kernel32.dll, resolves the VMA of GetProcAddress and prepares us for the rest of the shellcode:

Starter assembly
global main

    push  rbp                       ;
    and   rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0h   ; Align the stack to a multiple of 16 bytes
    mov   rbp, rsp                  ;
    sub   rsp, 0x64                 ; 100 bytes of shadow space
    xor rcx, rcx                    ; RCX = 0
    mov rax, [gs:rcx + 0x60]        ; RAX = PEB
    mov rax, [rax + 0x18]           ; RAX = PEB->Ldr
    mov rsi, [rax + 0x20]           ; RSI = PEB->Ldr.InMemOrder
    lodsq                           ; RAX = Second module(NTDLL)
    xchg rax, rsi                   ; RAX = RSI, RSI = RAX
    lodsq                           ; RAX = Third(kernel32)
    mov rbx, [rax + 0x20]           ; RBX = Base address

    lea rsi, [rel get_function + 0x41414141] 
                                    ; POP the function address in to RSI
    sub rsi, 0x41414141             ; 
    mov [rbp-0x20], rsi             ; [RBP-0x20] = get_function address
    jmp start                       ;

    xor r8, r8                      ; R8 = 0
    mov r8d, [rbx + 0x3c]           ; R8D = DOS->e_lfanew offset
    mov rdx, r8                     ; RDX = DOS->e_lfanew
    add rdx, rbx                    ; RDX = PE Header

    add rdx, 0x44                   ; add 0x44 to RDX to avoid null bytes
    add rdx, 0x44                   ; add 0x44 to RDX to avoid null bytes

    mov r8d, [rdx]                  ; R8D = Offset export table - was [rdx + 0x88]
    add r8, rbx                     ; R8 = Export table
    xor rsi, rsi                    ; Clear RSI
    mov esi, [r8 + 0x20]            ; RSI = Offset namestable
    add rsi, rbx                    ; RSI = Names table
    xor rcx, rcx                    ; RCX = 0
    inc rcx                         ; Increment the ordinal
    xor rax, rax                    ; RAX = 0
    mov eax, [rsi + rcx * 4]        ; Get name offset
    add rax, rbx                    ; Get function name
    cmp qword [rax], r9             ; Does it match the function name in R9 ?
    jnz next_function_name          ;
    xor rsi, rsi                    ; RSI = 0
    mov esi, [r8 + 0x24]            ; ESI = Offset ordinals
    add rsi, rbx                    ; RSI = Ordinals table
    mov cx, [rsi + rcx * 2]         ; Number of function
    xor rsi, rsi                    ; RSI = 0
    mov esi, [r8 + 0x1c]            ; Offset address table
    add rsi, rbx                    ; ESI = Address table
    xor rdx, rdx                    ; RDX = 0
    mov edx, [rsi + rcx * 4]        ; EDX = Pointer(offset)
    add rdx, rbx                    ; RDX = Function Address
    mov rdi, rdx                    ; Save Function Address in RDI
    ret                             ;

    mov r9, 0x41636f7250746547      ; GetProcA (in ASCII AcorPteG)
    call QWORD [rbp-0x20]           ; CALL get_function
    mov [rbp-0x18], rdi             ; [RBP-0x18] = *GetProcAddress

This shellcode snippet can be used as a foundation for a lot of user land shellcode.


The next snippet will get the VMA of LoadLibraryA. We will do this by calling the GetProcAddress function. The syntax for this call is shown below:

GetProcAddress syntax
FARPROC GetProcAddress(
  [in] HMODULE hModule,
  [in] LPCSTR  lpProcName

Remember, when calling a function in 64-bit Windows the first parameter is passed in via the rcx register, and the second parameter is passed in using the rdx register:

  1. The hModule parameter is passed in the rcx register.

  2. The lpProcName parameter is passed in the rdx register.

hModule is the module/DLL where the function resides, in this case kernel32.dll (we already have the base address for this module in rbx). lProcName is a pointer to a string; this means we need to place "LoadLibraryA" somewhere in memory and put a pointer to it in rdx:

Calling LoadLibraryA
    mov [rbp-0x28], rbx             ; [RBP-0x28] = Kernel32 base address
    mov rcx, [rbp-0x28]             ; RCX = hModule = Kernel32 base address
    mov rax, 0x41797261             ;
    push rax                        ;
    mov rax, 0x7262694c64616f4c     ;
    push rax                        ;
    mov rdx, rsp                    ; RDX = lpProcName = LoadLibraryA  
    sub rsp, 0x2c                   ; Allocate stack space for the function call 
                                    ;  (+ alignment)
    call [rbp-0x18]                 ; CALL GetProcAddress
    add rsp, 0x2c                   ; Clean up allocated space
    add rsp, 0x10                   ; Clean up LoadLibraryA on stack
    mov [rbp-0x30], rax             ; [RBP=0x30] = *LoadLibraryA

On line 2 we store the base address of kernel32 in the memory at rbx-0x28. This isn't strictly necessary in this instance but there might be times when we may need to reference it later.

On line 3 the base address is placed in to rcx which is the hModule parameter.

The string "LoadLibraryA" is pushed on to the stack in reverse order and a pointer to the string is moved in to rdx via rsp (which points to the string that was just pushed on to the stack). This is done on lines 4 through 8.

The call is made on line 11 and the return value (the VMA of the function) is stored in [rbx-0x30] on line 14.

We now have a reference to the LoadLibraryA function.


This snippet uses the LoadLibraryA function to load the user32.dll module in to memory and return the base address. We will use this to locate the VMA for the MessageBoxA function.

The syntax for this call is shown below:

LoadLibraryA syntax
HMODULE LoadLibraryA(
  [in] LPCSTR lpLibFileName

This call is very simple and only has one paramater, which is a pointer to a string and is moved in to the rcx register:

Loading user32.dll
    mov rax, 0x6c6c                 ; PUSH user32.dll
    push rax                        ;
    mov rax, 0x642e323372657375     ;
    push rax                        ;
    mov rcx, rsp                    ; RCX = lpLibFileName = user32.dll
    sub rsp, 0x2c                   ; Allocate stack space for the function call (+ allignment)
    call [rbp-0x30]                 ; CALL LoadLibraryA
    add rsp, 0x2c                   ; Clean up allocated space
    add rsp, 0x10                   ; Clean up user32.dll on stack

Lines 2 through 6 push the string on to the stack and move the pointer in to the rcx register. Line 8 calls LoadLibraryA (remember from the previous section that [rbp-0x30] holds the address for the function LoadLibraryA.

The function returns the base address of the module in the rax register, which we will use next.


The next snippet gets the VMA of MessageBoxA by calling the GetProcAddress function. This should be familiar by now and does not require any explanation:

Locate VMA of MessageBoxA
    mov rcx, rax                    ; RCX = hModule = User32 base address
    mov rax, 0x41786f               ;
    push rax                        ;
    mov rax, 0x426567617373654d     ;
    push rax                        ;
    mov rdx, rsp                    ; RDX = lpProcName = MessageBoxA  
    sub rsp, 0x2c                   ; Allocate stack space for the function call (+ alignment)
    call [rbp-0x18]                 ; CALL GetProcAddress
    add rsp, 0x2c                   ; Clean up allocated space
    add rsp, 0x10                   ; Clean up MessageBoxA on stack
    mov r10, rax                    ; R10 = *MessageBoxA

Finally we make the call to MessageBoxA. The syntax for the call is shown below:

MessageBoxA syntax
int MessageBoxA(
  [in, optional] HWND   hWnd,
  [in, optional] LPCSTR lpText,
  [in, optional] LPCSTR lpCaption,
  [in]           UINT   uType

This was discussed in the Calling Conventions section, but let's recap. When calling the MessageBoxA function:

  1. The hWnd parameter is passed in the rcx register.

  2. The lpText parameter is passed in the rdx register.

  3. The lpCaption parameter is passed in the r8 register.

  4. The uType parameter is passed in the r9 register.

The shellcode is shown below:

Calling MessageBoxA
; the address of MessageBoxA is in r10
    xor  rax, rax                     ; RAX = 0
    mov  rcx, rax                     ; RCX = hWnd = NULL
    mov  r9,  rax                     ; R9 = uType = NULL (default)
    mov  rax, 0x6e6f697461            ; PUSH string on to the stack
    push rax                          ; .
    mov  rax, 0x74696f6c70784520      ; .
    push rax                          ; .
    mov  rax, 0x73776f646e695720      ; .
    push rax                          ; .
    mov  rax, 0x6465636e61766441      ; .
    push rax                          ; ---
    mov  rdx, rsp                     ; RDX = lpText
    mov  r8,  rdx                     ; R8 = lpCaption
    sub  rsp, 0x2c                    ; align the stack for the call
    call r10                          ; CALL R10 (MessageBoxA)


  1. Complete the shellcode to call the TerminateProcess function.

  2. Write the MessageBox shellcode out and debug it in Windbg Preview.

  3. Change the MessageBoxA call for a WinExec call.

  4. Tidy up the shellcode; the LoadLibraryA function is not needed for exercise 2.

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